Thursday, 25 June 2009
Made of awesomeness

Made of awesomeness and dipped in win that is the only way to describe the weekend I have just had, on over the next week or so I plan on getting some more article up taking about different bits of it but for now I thought I would just give an over view of the people and the weekend.
What we did,
Moved house.
Nids Vs Brotherhood - 1600
40k Brotherhood - Halysist Faction 2000
Orks - Brotherhood - 3000
Dr Who - Unit - Dalkes – 20
40k - Brotherhood - Nids - Peaces keepers - Orks – (4 way) 1000
40k – Brotherhood – Orks 1500
Photos seasons
Military teamed boating trip (left at 9am sank at 5.30pm back at 1.30 am)
The people,
Me, Robert (Wargames President)
Louise (Wargames Treasures and my fiancée)
Next door
Mike (ex-President)
Carly (ex- Treasures) Our Guest
Biggles (The Diver)
Glyn – (Scientist, Space Cadet and Singer-Songwriter)
Friday, 24 April 2009
The Daleks are Comeing

Ok I know it been along time since I did some blogging I’ve got loads on the go and very soon there should be some more blogs going up about all manner of thing have a look at the slide show at the bottom of the page.
Anyway that all to come this is just a quick update to tell you that last night I placed an order for the following
There more info about it here
The reason I’m looking a different Games Is this I recently became president of my local war games club and in the election speak I said I would try to get a way from playing just GW game (as some of the members have asked for this) and Dr Who seamed a good place to start. I have found this web sit that seem to offer other systems for free that look
quite good to me.
However I you have a suggestion for non GW game pleas do tell.
Back to my main point looking around the web the would seem to be very little an this particular Dr Who game, so when it arrives I intend to keep up a photo diary from the moment I open it right the way thought learning to play.
One thing I should say now it a few weeks back I got a few copys of two issue of a kid magazine one week had 3 Darlkes the next 3 Cbermen so I have about 9 of each.
Friday, 13 March 2009
A bit of background

One of the most fear of these warband’s is the disciples of the Cathedral flocking to the to the side of this might tower of doom many lesser warlords looking for glory have up them selves under the command of the Cathedral.
On the battle field The Cathedral of Corruption normal hangs back from the fight to better directed war, but if is need it can bring it might weight to bear on the front line crushing all beneath its titanic feet such intervention has proved decisive on may occasions but notably during the siege of Berhofthive.
Picture from
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Plaguereaper Part 2: “Roter of man”
Here is the first WIP photos of the first of my plaguereaper “Roter of man” sorry about the rubbish qualities stating to look like something like what I want it to look like

Plaguereaper Part 1

Before I stared out on the Great titan I thought that it would not be a bad thing to start on something a bit smaller, mmmm a plaguereaper maybe. I have adapted some grate plans from
So after about 2:30 I’ve almost fined every thing excepted the weapons and tracks am not shore if I should by the £15 Baneblade frame to get the weapons but I don’t know what to do about the tracks, there were a few important things I learnt
1. A few sallow cuts are much better than a deep one
2. Planning saves the day
3. masking tape help give a good shape
There are some tools that I need to get
1. Steel ruler
2. something to cut circle out easily
3. a cutting mat
but other than that its going very well and I hope to have the hole company of plaguerpers build up soon
Monday, 9 March 2009
A Question of Size
Emperor = 3.6 warhound which in turn is the same as = 6 ish guards men
So time for that GCSE math’s and a tape, a Guard is 3cm tall so
3 X 6 = 18 X 3.6 = 65
Another way to solve this problem is to look at the size given on the fore world web site i.e. a warhound is 25cm tall
25 X 3.6 =90
So what could explain the deferens in height between the two warhounds it could be that GW or may have made some error but I think it far more likely that there made by different forge worlds.
Size range of about 65-90 cm
Different fore world do things differently so as long as it tower over the battle fieal it doesn’t matter